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When The Thief Was Me!

Assumptions Go Wrong: At the airport, a lady waited for her delayed flight.

The Silent Exchange: When Assumptions Go Wrong

At the airport, a lady waited for her delayed flight. She went to the airport shop and bought a book, a hot chocolate, and a small pack containing five big hazelnut biscuits.

Settling in the Lounge

She found a seat in the lounge and started reading her book. Next to her, a stranger was sitting. She ignored him, but she quickly absorbed her reading.

To her surprise, the man beside her calmly took one biscuit out of the pack and ate it. She was stunned!
To her surprise, the man beside her calmly took one biscuit out of the pack and ate it. She was stunned!

The First Biscuit

She took a nut biscuit from the pack, ate it, and sipped her hot chocolate.

The Stranger’s Unexpected Action

To her surprise, the man beside her calmly took one biscuit out of the pack and ate it. She was stunned! And she couldn’t think of anything to say, so she nervously continued reading.

Another Biscuit Shared

A few minutes later, she picked up the third biscuit and ate it. Then, the stranger calmly took the fourth biscuit and ate it. “Incredible!” she thought, even more stunned.

The Final Offer

Then, to her amazement, the man picked up the pack and offered her the last hazelnut biscuit. This was too much to tolerate! The woman was furious.

Rushing to the Gate

She picked up her belongings and walked directly to the boarding gate. She opened her bag to find her boarding ticket.

So she realised with grief that the only rude person, the thief in this story, was herself
So she realised with grief that the only rude person, the thief in this story, was herself.

The Shocking Realisation

What do you think she saw? An unopened pack of hazelnut biscuits…

The Truth Hits Home

“If my pack is here,” she thought in despair, “the other pack was his, and he tried to share.” So she realised with grief that the only rude person, the thief in this story, was herself and not the stranger!

“Before you judge others, make sure you’re not the one at fault.” — Unknown.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” — Anaïs Nin

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