Navigating Life’s Successes and Failures
Success is not a light that stays aglow. It’s more like the bright shiny star — bright but fleeting.
It’s like a flower blooming, beautiful but fated to wilt, beauty with a very short half-life.
Failure is not a dark, black tomb.
Instead, it’s a transient sigh, a fleeting kiss of the open sky.
It echoes winter’s grip—sharp and unyielding, yet destined to bow to spring’s imagined rebirth.
It moves with the rhythm of a heart, nimble and alive. The unknown appears like a shape in the mist, elusive yet guiding, leading sightless feet forward despite the howling wind.
It carries them to the path of courage, where the human spirit burns brightly. Through crashing waves and relentless storms, that light shines on, unwavering and full of hope.
And the sparkling morning stars melt to a bright sky; a phoenix flaps on the dawn sky, boldly embracing the light flamboyant and over-flowing in its claim.
Success is not a stagnant pool but a winding, free-flowing river.
It’s doomed, one of those bound crafts, but it heads out to sea, thereabouts, and it keeps moving.
Failure is the furnace that hardens copper; it is no shattered piece, but the pitcher of exploration.
Courage is the brightest flame in the blackest night. Just as a bird flies high, it’s a mark of hope and love.”
Success is not a destination but rather the long, dogged pursuit of our dreams.
But failure is not a life sentence; it’s a teacher.
However, this is a difficult season of lessons learned and places conquered, all in full preparation for that inevitable success-seeking hunt, and fast means failure!…
Courage becomes the north star that will guide you forward, a prerequisite to make each of the few remaining steps possible.
In the rollercoaster of Life, where ups and downs may either leave us in a rut or ground us, it is the bravery to keep moving which matters.