Inspirational Story : The Chakravartin and Mount Sumeru
A Space Among Giants: The Chakravartin’s Dilemma
The Meaning of Chakravartin
The word ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’, and ‘vartin’ means ‘unstoppable’; the unstoppable wheel.
Back in ancient times, there were rulers of empires.
The more civilized way they attacked a neighbouring empire was to adorn their best horses with a beautiful golden chariot.
They then let the chariot enter the neighbouring kingdom.
A Critical Decision
Now, the ruler of the neighbouring kingdom had a decision to make: If he captured the chariot, this would mean that he had started a massive war that could take the lives of thousands and thousands of people.
Or he could let the chariot wander through his land, which would mean that his kingdom was peacefully captured and that the original ruler’s kingdom had just expanded.
So, a Chakravartin was a ruler whose wheel was never impeded.
A Rare Ruler
To put it another way, a Chakravartin ruled the entire world. Chakravartins are very, very rare.
Even Alexander the Great, who died young at 32, only captured half the known world.
To capture the entire world is a very, very rare feat indeed. This is the story of one such Chakravartin.
The Chakravartin’s Entry into Heaven
Chakravartins are so rare that they receive a special entry into heaven when they die.
They enter with their entire entourage of advisers, soldiers, wives, etc.
When this Chakravartin died, he entered heaven feeling accomplished and dignified. He was, of course, received with a great deal of honour and reverence in heaven.
The Privilege of Chiselling a Name
Chakravartins are given a scarce privilege. In heaven, there is a mountain called Mount Sumeru.
Mount Sumeru is the most majestic mountain, ten times the size and grandeur of the Himalayas.
It is made entirely of gold! In heaven, there are thousands of suns, not just one.
So, thousands of suns shimmered on this magnificent golden Mount Sumeru.
The Chakravartin’s Mission
The privilege of being a Chakravartin is that he can chisel his name on this mountain.
All this time, Chakravartin’s mission and aim was to have his name on the hill.
He moved towards the glorious mountain with his entourage following and met up with the mountain keeper.
People live a very long time in heaven, so this mountain keeper was thousands of years old. With respect, he bowed down to the Chakravartin and handed him a hammer and a chisel.
An Unexpected Suggestion
As the Chakravartin was about to enter through the gates, the mountain keeper said, “With much respect and reverence, I suggest that you leave your entourage behind and go and chisel your name by yourself.”
The Chakravartin was shocked at this suggestion!
What was the point of going there and chiselling his name by himself?
Where was the grandeur and glory in that? It would only be noteworthy if his entourage could see this.
The Mountain Keeper’s Wisdom
Yet, he looked at the mountain keeper and saw no malice in him. He did not mean any harm.
The mountain keeper said, “Listen, why don’t you go and have a look? If you want to come back and get your entourage, they will be here.”
The Chakravartin found this quite reasonable, so he went to the mountain.
The Search for a Space
When he got to the mountain, countless hours went by as he looked all around the mountain for a space to chisel his name.
On the entire mountain, there was no single space available for him!
The mountain was completely covered in the names of past Chakravartins
The Realization of Humility
He was shocked and humiliated to discover this. All this time, he had felt that he was exceptional, and just then, he realised how unremarkable he was.
This universe has been around for a long time. Thousands of years mean nothing. So many Chakravartins have come and gone.
Embarrassment and Laughter
Embarrassed, he returned to the mountain keeper and muttered sheepishly, “Oh my goodness, there isn’t a single space for me to put my name on the entire mountain!”
The mountain keeper laughed and laughed! He said, “I’ve been here for thousands of years. This was the job of my father and my grandfather.
There has not been a single time when any Chakravartin found any space to engrave their name.
I tell you what, why don’t you go back to the mountain, erase somebody’s name and put your name?”
The Chakravartin’s Reply
The Chakravartin looked at him bewildered and said, “What’s the point of that? It’s just a matter of time before somebody comes along, erases my name and puts their name.”
This is a story about ambition. If we do things for ourselves, “me, I, mine,” and keep collecting titles, accolades, and possessions, what’s the point? It’s all been done before.
If we can do things that uplift others, make others feel good, and benefit others, this will resonate for generations.
This is a true legacy.
This is called ‘karma yoga,’ or selfless service.
When we keep enough to sustain ourselves and the ones that agreeably depend on us, the rest is for the good of others.