Heaven on Earth: A Husband’s Perspective on Marriage
The Witty Swamiji’s Discourse
A well-known Swamiji was giving a discourse in a temple. He was very witty and humorous and would simultaneously give inspiring speeches to the public about improving spiritual life.
A Comment on Heaven and Actions
In one of his discourses, he commented, “Everyone is interested in going to heaven, but their actions would make them eligible to go to hell.”
Everyone appreciated his ideas and cheered him on.
The Swamiji’s Request
Encouraged by their appreciation, he continued:
“I earnestly request you to perform your actions so that you can go to heaven without difficulty. How many of you are interested in going to heaven with your wife?
All those who are interested should raise their hands.”
An Unexpected Response
Most of the people present raised their hands. Swamiji asked one person who did not: “Why did you not raise your hands? Are you not married?”
“Of course, I’m married,” he replied.
A Curious Question
“Are you not interested in going to heaven with your wife?”
The Answer: The Man’s Surprising Wish
The man replied calmly: “I would be happy if my wife alone went to heaven. Then I shall enjoy the life of heaven on earth.”
The Message: The Reality of Married Life
Married life is beset with various problems.
Married couples must adjust their lives according to each other’s temperament.
Without such adjustments, the spouses will feel miserable in each other’s presence.