Secret Behind the Fresh Taste of Japanese Fish.

A Tale with a Deeper Meaning
The Japanese Love for Fresh Fish
Let me share a very popular story.
The Japanese have always loved fresh fish.
However, the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades.
So, to find more fish, fishermen had to go further.
The Problem: Distance AffectsFreshness
The further they went, the more days they spent at sea before bringing the fish to the market.
By that time, the fish was no longer fresh, and the taste was not good by Japanese standards.
With their refined palates, Japanese consumers could immediately tell the difference between genuinely fresh fish and fish that had been out of the water for too long.
The freshness was lost, and with it, the appeal.

The First Solution: Freezers
One solution the fishing companies applied was installing freezers on the boats.
The freezers kept the fish frozen so the boats could spend even more days at sea. However, the taste of the frozen fish was not as good as the taste of the fresh fish.
They could tell the difference between fresh and frozen fish and preferred the fresh catch over the frozen alternative.

The Next Innovation: Fish Tanks
Then, the fishing companies thought to install fish tanks.
The fisherman caught the fish and stuffed them in the tanks.
This kept the fish alive, but after a few hours, they would get tired and stop moving.
A New Problem: Lethargic Fish
Unfortunately, the lethargic fish would not move for many days and would lose their freshness.
Again, you taste the difference.
Once again, Japanese consumers could taste the difference.
Even though the fish were technically alive, they weren’t as fresh as those caught and brought in immediately.
The fish had become sluggish from days of inactivity, and the Japanese desired the vibrant taste that only comes from truly fresh fish.

The Final Solution: Adding a Shark to the Tank
Finally, a creative mind came up with another solution to the problem.
Fishing companies put the fish in the tanks and added a small shark!
The shark ate a few fish, but most were in a vivacious state because the challenge is the key to maintaining the vitality of mind and body!
The Power of a Small Shark
This simple addition—a small shark—was all that was needed to keep the fish active, agile, and alive.
By being forced to stay on the move, the fish remained lively, and when they finally arrived back at the port, they tasted as fresh as if they had just been caught.
The shark’s presence, which at first seemed like a threat, kept the fish alive and fresh.
The Metaphor: Sharks in Our Lives
Now, think about that for a moment. How often do we, in our own lives, feel like those fish in the tank — sluggish, dull, and bored?
Sometimes, we feel unmotivated, stuck in our routines, and lacking energy or purpose.
And why is that? It’s because we don’t have any sharks in our lives.
Without real challenges, we become comfortable, complacent, and uninspired.
My Message: Embrace the Sharks
My message to you is this: instead of avoiding the sharks in your life, you should welcome them.
In fact, you should seek them out.
In my experience, there are three types of “sharks” that can inject passion, purpose, and energy into your life: change, challenges, and competition.

The Three Sharks: Change, Challenges, and Competition
Let’s break down these three sharks.
First, change.
Most people are afraid of change. We grow comfortable in our routines and resist anything that disrupts the status quo. But change is one of the most potent forces for growth.
It pushes us out of our comfort zones, forcing us to adapt, learn, and evolve.
Next, challenges.
Many of us shy away from challenges because they’re difficult. We prefer what’s easy and familiar. But challenges are what make us grow.
They build resilience, strength, and capability.
Finally, competition.
It’s natural to want to avoid competition, especially when it feels like others might be better than us. But competition drives us to improve.
It forces us to innovate and strive to be the best versions of ourselves.
Conclusion: The Necessity of Sharks for Growth
These three sharks — change, challenges, and competition — are the strongest forces for human growth and evolution.
Ironically, they’re also the things people try to avoid the most.
But in reality, these are the very factors that can push us toward greatness.
Imagine a life without these three C’s.
It would be boring, just like the sluggish fish in the story.
In fact, I wouldn’t even call it living — I’d call it merely existing. And there’s a huge difference between the two.
Martin Luther King Jr., said, “Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant, and to face the challenge of change.”